Oleh kerana semalam dah kuar makan2 so kitorang decide arini nak duk umah je. Berehat dan bersantai. Some more badan n kaki Amien pon lenguh2 after playing soccer ngan coursemates dia on last Friday.
Pagi tadi saya ajar Amien camne nak masak nasi goreng. Actually not really pagi la. It was about 11.30 am kan. So nasi goreng tu cam jadi BRUNCH utk kitorang le.. .hehe.Tak sempat lak nak snap gambar. Anyway, he did very well on cooking his nasi goreng udang. Sedap gitu.hehe..Sayang, u makin terer masak la. I lap U.
Nowadays Amien really addicted ngan F.R.I.E.N.D.S series. Dia sanggup download all 10 seasons of that series. n baru khatam first season.hehe..I like him watching that sitcom because it really can make him laugh like crazy. hehe..so time Amien dah penat2 study or wat assignment saya bagi la dia can layan cite FRIENDS tu. Untuk ilangkan ngantuk n stress. N it really work! n lagi satu Amien cakap saya macam Monica sbb kene pastikan sume kemas dan teratur.hehe..yeke?saya rase saya bersepah jugeks..Apa2 ajelah sayang..huhu
N baru je sat tadi..Amien telah berjaya buat Cheezy Roasted fries (tader wedges so gantila ngan fries kan)..Actually it is really easy to make. Only takes 10 minutes to make the cheezy sauce. Rasenye sama tu cam kat KFC.nyum2.. n the recipe we got from this website : Cheezy Wedges Recipe
And for this time saya berjaya snap beberapa gambar..
The Ingredients
The Chef
The Cheese
The Product..nyum2..leh MAKAN!!
And for tonite..Amien is going to cook Ayam Masak Black Pepper..senang utk saya dah bersalin nnt..hehe..Thanks to Amien sbb masakkan all these food today..I really love u sayang..MUAHSSS!!!