Hola everyone,
First of all, nak wish congrats to my dearest bestfren, Miss Niena sbb dah selamat menjadi tunangan orang. Anyway, u look soooooooooooooo gorgeoous!!!! I loike dear. Dah macam nikah you.hehehe.
Really hope that I can attend your wedding next year! tapi....nak balik raya gak taun depan...Na, kawen le time raya...please2!!!!.........hehehehe...tapi kalau le takleh gak nak attend kan, Na, awk hanimun le kat sini. leh kite ronda2..g Europe pon okie gak..dah dekat dah..hehe..ayat pancing tu..saya leh jadi tourist guard awk.hikhik.
hehe. best pk kalau dapat balik mesia. beshnyeeee.....Maryam leh jumpe Baba, Granny, Nenek Uwan, Ayoh, Atok n Nenek, Uncle2 n Auntie2..kawan2 mommy..serius asik temimpi2 balik Mesia je skang ni.. Bur still not sure yet. sbb tak tau time tu kalau Mr Amien dah keje payah le plak nak cuti...kalau Mr Amien tak dapat cutikan...kite balik bedua la Maryam.huhuhuhuhu..leh tak???
Raya taun ni tak sempat nak invite kawan2 kat sini makan2..Mr Amien is extremely busy write up his dissertation while myself is really busy with my lab work. 6hrs non stop wat keje lab hari2 mmg le senang nak kuruskan badankan.ececece... (^_^) but...pity on Maryam..mommy xdpt nak tumpukan perhatian 100 percent kat Maryam...sedey sebenarnye ni.. Maryam, maafkan mommy ye....
Next month, we will receive guest from Bangor. Can't wait to have you n your family here. By the way, his name is Azrul. His wife n himself currently is doing PhD in Bangor Uni. He is lecturer in UnisZA. I met him during interview session with Prof Afendi. They will visit Scotland next month together with his parent. Kirenye bawak parent jalan2 le ni..sonok kan?hehehhe. I hope you will be happy and comfortable while staying in uor teratak kecil ini. =)
Next month olso nak plan jalan2 le..jalan2 sblm musim sejuk beku tak besh langsung menjelma.haha. i hate winter ekceli sbb kena pkai baju tebal2. Ingat nak pegi York visit Kak Fa, pastu g Newcastle visit kawan Mr Amien then lepak sehari kat Edinburgh kat umah Yorgos ke..hehe.sumenye pon nak terjah umah orang..tapi sume tu kena plan bile Mr Amien dah submit dissertation.
Next week saya akan de groupmate baru. =) Her name is Chiara. She is PhD student under RuAn olso. She is Filipino. Baru le tak sunyi sangat kat lab tu. de gak kawan nak besembang2..hehe.. Later Tome also will join us. She is from Nigeria.
Next week jugak saya kena submit 8 months progress report n baru perasan kena anta tu this week.haha.mmg kelam kabut le ni..
Okie la sume. Need to stop now. Nak solat subuh pastu nak tdo jap..sok nak g lab jap nak wat DPPH assay. GTG. ~~~da....